We strictly apply the 7 principles of Privacy by Design. With the proliferation of data, we are the advocates of an ethical approach that protects individuals.
The data is hosted in France and in Germany. Our hosting provider ensures security of our servers and has no access to the data.
The data is your exclusive property. We do not share or resell any data for any purposes.
Exclusive processes based on irreversible anonymisation prevent from identification of individuals. What the Shop solution has been developed in accordance with the recommendations of the regulator and strictly follow the principles of GDPR. We never collect personal data without explicit consent.
We stirctly apply the 40 criteria defined by ANSSI to secure the data. What the Shop has taken the necessary measures - both hardware and software - to ensure data confidentiality.
The accuracy of our measure has been validated by more than 150,000 manual counts in hundreds of outlets. Regular audits are conducted to validate the quality of our data so you can make strategic decisions based on reliable data.
« Anyone who is serious about software should make their own hardware » (Alan Kay, pioneer in computer science). Our proprietary hardware is compliant with all market standards (CE, ANFR, ARCEP): it can installed safely in your shop.
What the Shop is the only solution to offer consumers the ability to access their profile and their permissions directly at the point of sale. They can manage all consents for a given store or for the entire network.